–Stark County

“For He makes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends the rain on the just and on the unjust.” — Matthew, 5:45

Humane Farms,
Artisans, and Venues
in Stark County

You’ll Find Listed on This Page…

  • Humane Farms
    • Canton: Simon Certified Organic Family Farm (scroll down)
  • Humane Artisans — under construction
  • Humane Venues — under construction
  • Humane Pet Foods — under construction

(Sorry, ASL is under construction right now…)


leafHumane Farms in Canton


   Certified Organic
img_15721   Family Farm

                          As for man his days are as grass:
                          as a flower of the field so he flourisheth.
                          For the wind passeth over it and it is gone;
                          and the place thereof shall know it no more.
                                                                           — Psalm 103:15-16

leafFarmer’s Word:

“Now that the weather has turned cold, the grass that has been eaten in the pasture won’t be growing back again until spring. Since cows only have bottom teeth, they can’t chew grass down to the dirt the way horses, goats, and sheep do. They need grass tall enough to need mowing so that they can wrap their tongue around it and tear off their bites… Looking forward to this time, we planted some oats back at the beginning of September on our hillside. For the past two weeks, we’ve been intensively grazing the dairy cows on this tender, new oat grass inside an electric tape, powered by a small solar panel. The tape is moved daily to include an area of fresh grass, and the cows really seem delighted! We are delighted too. Hay and other stored foods require energy, in the form of gas and diesel engines, to produce and store. So, the longer we can prolong the cows harvesting their own food, the smaller the “energy footprint” we make at our farm. We hope in the years to come to prolong this period of grazing well into winter as we learn to use different combinations of grasses and planting times for our region…” –Amy Simon, Farmer

The weather turning cold at the Simon Farm.

The weather turning cold at the Simon Farm.



The sun shines through a rainbow over the farm.

The sun shines through a rainbow over the farm.


  • Fresh brown chicken eggs are available now! They also grow: fresh edamame (best we’ve ever tasted); spinach; turnips; beets; cucumbers; fresh high-quality heirloom veggies; peppers-sweet and hot; vine-ripened tomatoes: cherry mix, paste, early, slicing, andof course some later heirlooms; rhubarb; flowers; ground cherries; medicinal herbs; varieties of beans including patty pan beans; peas; potatoes; sweet potatoes; Jerusalem artichokes; carrots; zucchini; peppers; cabbage; green beans; grains; rice; spelt; peanuts; pumpkins; butternut and other varieties of winter squashes; watermelon; strawberries; asparagus; onions; brocolli; cabbage; bok choi; eggplant; tomatillas; cauliflower; brussell sprouts; cooking greens: kale, swiss chard; lettuces; radishes; organic grass-fed Angus beef; organic chicken and turkey; herd shares and garden shares. A nearby neighbor gives lessons in making cheese, yogurt, and butter products from the milk yields. Amish friends also tap trees delicious maple syrup and Amy offers to take orders for them. And, in response to popular request, the Simons plan to grow a great crop of garlic this year!

The Simon Family welcomes the new babies.

The Simon Family welcomes the new babies.

Building bonds while hand-feeding the calves.

Building bonds while hand-feeding the calves.

First autumn frost.

First autumn frost.

A young group of sisters in their pasture pen.

A young group of sisters in their pasture pen.

leaf Community Supported Agriculture:

The double-rainbow displays itself in rainy twilight as Amy finishes milking the cows.

The double-rainbow displays itself in rainy twilight as Amy finishes milking the cows.


"Beatrice", the new little Shorthorn/Hereford calf, stands in the east pasture with her mother.

"Beatrice", the new little Shorthorn/Hereford calf, stands in the east pasture with her mother.

leaf Location and Hours:

simon-farm17   simonturkeys    simonhill1 heres-a-picture-of-some-contour-farming-we-do-to-slow-soil-erosion-on-our-hillsidesheres-another-picture-of-the-grazing-cows-with-bales-of-hay-then-csa-garden-in-the-background heres-jestermaid-shes-the-jersey-retired-from-commercial-dairying heres-our-year-round-organic-bug-control-and-farm-police6 leah and her mother montesorri-class-doing-meaningful-work2 on-the-right-is-brians-favorite-cow laddie-and-lassie a-handful-of-the-tasty-organic-harvest a-look-at-the-pasture-in-may a-wild-mother-who-chose-to-raise-a-family-at-our-farm-last-spring below-is-the-beginnings-of-one-of-the-seven-csa-gardens-we-grew-for-the-community-last-summer bringing-jester-and-her-new-calf-in-for-their-first-milking-this-summer

here-is-our-dog-daisy im-convinced-this-is-what-the-cows-expect-heaven-to-look-like jack-frost-paints-the-landscape-white imgthe-cows-being-brought-in-to-be-milked_24521 two-new-baby-steers-we-purchased-to-train-as-oxen

leafHow to Get to the Simon Certified Organic Family Farm from Lakewood by Car:


The hens are enjoying their time out of the henhouse.

The hens enjoy their time out of the henhouse.


leafHow to Get to the Canton Farmer’s Market from Lakewood by Car:

Edith gave birth to the first calf of 2009, a little black bull named "John".

Edith gave birth to the first calf of 2009, a little black bull named "John".

leaf Best Methods of Payment:

leaf More Information:


End of the day in the field.

End of a day in the field.


leaf Humane Artisans

Stark County is Under Construction


leaf Humane Venues

Stark County is Under Construction


leaf Humane Pet Foods

Stark County is Under Construction

(Sorry, ASL is under construction right now)


  1. Van Misheff said

    Amy, Brian and kids…

    What a wonderful, informative, visually-stimulating site. And your care and seriousness as stewards of God’s good earth comes through loud and clear as well!



    • sonamdolma said

      Thank you Van for this comment!!! We at Know How It Grows agree with you 100% — like you, we are inspired by the pains that the Simons take to live with regard for all creatures who live on their farm. As for myself, I am looking forward to the next season with them. Thanks for your encouragement…. ( :

  2. Esteban said

    Highly descriptive article, I enjoyed that
    bit. Will there be a part 2?

    • sonamdolma said

      Yes, when we get out there.
      Please feel free to submit new material if you have firsthand experience of humane farms in Stark County. You can add info in a comment, or email me at sonamdolma@knowhowitgrows.com.
      Thank you for your interest. (:

  3. organic Food coloring

    -Stark County | Know How It Grows

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